How timely this post has proved for me. We went to the Lichfield Garrick on 27th December to thoroughly enjoy this season's entertaining production of Jack and the Beanstalk.

On 24th December the following article appeared https://www.thetablet.co.uk/arts/what-the-dickens/ which I turned up in thinking about how A Christmas Carol has become a core staple for present day readers, listeners, viewers and theatre go-ers. Would it, has it already been, worked as a pantomime I was wondering... and found Mark Lawson's piece grist to the thinking mill. You may, perhaps, find some interest in his passing comments on the - supposed - decline of the tradition of Christmas panto, that I now more fully appreciate thanks to your post, stems from David Garrick's beau stratagem for turning the box office booking tills.

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Thanks Rob - will check that out!

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